Empowering you to make informed choices with curated content specific to holistic skin care and wellness.

Brittany Crivillaro Brittany Crivillaro

Soaking Baths

Did you know that soaking can help rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin; it’s even said to benefit the heart, nervous system, and muscles? Both cold and hot water bathing is highly beneficial for the skin and body. While it’s shocking to feel ice-cold water against your skin, it’s said to decrease inflammation and the physiological effects of stress.

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Ingredients Brittany Crivillaro Ingredients Brittany Crivillaro


Rose is widely used because of its calming and healing abilities. Professionally, rose is an excellent ingredient to incorporate into a healing regime because all skin types can benefit. Rose water gives an instant plump, hydrated effect, and rosehip seed is nourishing and vitamin packed to support healing.

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Ingredients Brittany Crivillaro Ingredients Brittany Crivillaro


Cacao naturally contains skin essential nutrients like magnesium, zinc, iron, antioxidants, and powerful phytochemicals like caffeine and catechin.

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Treatments Brittany Crivillaro Treatments Brittany Crivillaro

What is an Enzyme Treatment?

Enzymatic treatments are a natural alternative to a chemical peel. This treatment uses natural fruit-based ingredients to deeply exfoliate the skin, revealing a bright glowing complexion. This natural alternative is safe for a wider variety of skin tones and is known to brighten skin and improve texture.

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